Tree Risk Assessment

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Recently we designed a new Tree Risk Assessment application for a City Council.

Before, qualified arborists used to take notes on site and then go back to their office to enter the ratings into a server database. The process was slow and was not interactive.

A regular tree risk assessment follows two stages:

General Icons-25 Size of part and estimation of the occupancy / target potential  gives a Consequence rating score or Hazard level

General Icons-25 Combines the Consequence rating and the Likelihood to give a Risk Level with recommended time-frame for remedial action.

Using internationally recognised documentation explaining how risks are calculated, Destiny Wireless were able to convert this into a simulation system.

Now they use Silhouette with their tablet to capture their notes, assess ratings and refine, if necessary. Pictures and GPS coordinates can also be added. The data captured is available immediately at Head Office and a .pdf document with photos can be emailed from the site.

With this Silhouette application, the arborists in each region are saving a lot of their time and they can also interact with the rating system while on site. It also enables them and their senior coordinators to select and follow up the cases where the risk levels reported were critical, urgent or high. Arborists are now spending more time with trees and less at the office while management monitors the assessments and remedial actions without missing a record.